Submitted by Jeff
Well, as in life, things don't go as planned. And this trip has been no exception.
We have decided . . . um . . . really it was decided for us . . . to spend the weekend in the city of Worthington, Mn. And it looks like we get to buy a new transmission for the van. So we got a great suite right off the highway. There is a pool and there are restaurants within walking distance. We have cable and we have lot of family time. Which is what we need sometimes.
So, Monday we get the scoop on the van and hopefully all will be fixed on Tuesday (lucky for us transmissions are delivered on Tuesdays:).
Learning to wait . . . still
OK - so what is the deal - I'm calling and there is no one answering - are your phones not up and running? Got your message and wanted to cry the blues with you. Give me a number to reach you.
Happy birthday to Seth - make sure that he has lots and lots of sweets and then try and put him to bed :0)
This is from Michael for Caleb -
Caleb I hope that you have a good trip. I hope that we can see you soon and that your house will sell and your car will get fixed.
How do you like being out of school? I've been having a good year so far except when I went to the principal......but now it is all good.
I've been playing a lot of rune scape and I'm a level 32 and I can make you full iron.
We are so grateful that you have allowed us to be part of your adventure home to the Okanagan. Having each one's perspective reminds me, Loraine, of family trips that we had taken every summer in our motorhome. 7 of us across Canada,down to DC, back across the Northern States, down to the Bay area every Christmas, Disneyland, Grand Canyon and Vegas. The best times were when the motorhome broke down. Even though dad always had it serviced before we left, somehow in the most remote parts of the country, God wanted us to extend our trips. My parents made life long friends because of the motorhome breaking down. Mom & Dad, who had never hitch-hiked in all their lives, hitch-hiked into town from our hotel room and were picked up by a lovely Christian lady who found it humorous that a well dressed, east-indian man and his wife were standing on the side of the highway thumbing for a ride. Overcome with compassion she drove them to the bank, auto shop and back to the hotel to pick us 5 kids up and take us to her home where we spent a week with her family of 5. 12 of us in one home for a week, and we were stangers. We went to church with her the next day where she introduced my dad to a mechanic. He was able to get our transmission faster and cheaper since he ordered it through his name. Jim would work during the day and then come home and work on our motorhome. My sisters went to Youth with the girls were Jim the mechanic's wife, Carolyn was the Youth Leader. They had so much fun and met lots of youth, even a boyfriend for my sister. This was in Yreka, Cal. Yes, there is a Yreka, as well as, a Eureka in Cal. since we had broken down in both towns.
This just to let you know that our hearts are with you. We are praying for you. Can't wait to see you. Love the entries and hope that you will continue to place your hope and trust in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We thank God that you are all safe, healthy and happy. May you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit around you as He enfolds his arms around you. We know that He delights in you.
Love in Christ,
This trip/blog may prove more fun for us than you! The main thing is you are all together, safe and on your way to a new experience with God. You may look back on this unplanned stay as quite a blessing some day!
From Caleb for Michael.
Cool! I haven't been playing rune scape lately. I have been playing a game called blue rescue team and my character is on level 31 and the sapphire game you gave I'm on Victory road. I'm trying to train a shelgon. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. We are having a great time at the hotel
Hey, I have friends in rapid city. Are you connecting with a wesleyan church there?
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