Submitted by Jeff
Ok now.
About noon (central time) Jessi, Chloe and I walked about 1.4 miles to the repair shop from the hotel. I drove back to the hotel and loaded up. I took time to take the radio/tape player apart to extract about 54 cents that Seth had decided place in there. We went through the drive thru at the local BK and we were on the road by 1:45pm. Less than 11 hours later we made it to Billings, MT. With the time change we got there a little after 11:30pm. I am tired. But happy to be here.
Has anyone ever been to Wall Drugs?? What's the deal??
I actually can't remember if we ever stopped on any of our trips through SD... but they sure do advertise well, don't they? :-)
Yipeee - what a relief.
I hope that Amy got another book.
Wow a long day! We stopped at Wall Drugs about 15 years ago when we travelled across South Dakota with just 2 small kids. With all the build up I had expected something exciting - NOT! Tourist trap and definitely not worth the time it took to go in (in my opinion). It left such a big impression that I can't even remember what all was there other than mannequin cowboys sitting on a bench that you could take your picture with. Some old style shops. Did enjoy Mount Rushmore and we did go into some caverns that were kind of neat - other than having to carry our youngest the whole time.
You are getting closer to your new home and we are looking forward to arriving.
I am glad you got to get threw there...have fun and drive careful. Love ya all lots!
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